Lindsay at age 31.
August 13, 2022
For my Lindsay Juchau on her 31st Birthday:
Today you are 31 and 4 months pregnant. On my 31st birthday I was 4 months pregnant with you.
I hope you learned from the best of me. I hope you learned from the worst of me. But most of all I count the days until you experience the masterpiece that I could never paint for you. I was never satisfied with the limited artistry of words to describe what it was to love Lindsay Leigh Chiero Juchau.
The finished image was always incomplete. The words did a disservice to the emotion, like a Picasso without the color.
When I was a good Mom, when I was imperfect, when I got it right, when I massively failed, the thread that ran through with ragged inconsistency was always a good, imperfect, right, and sometimes failing love. Always a love that took my breath away. Always a love that shattered all other priorities. But all I could say was “I love you.”
In five short months you'll hold in your arms a masterpiece. And words will fail you. And me. And you’ll know what I meant. And mean. Forever and always.
I love you my sweet girl. I'm so proud of the woman you are and the Mom you'll be.
Happy Birthday.